Many men dream of changing the size of their penis. The operation is too serious a step, which can have disastrous consequences. Therefore, the representatives of the stronger sex are interested in how to enlarge the penis at home, which method is the most effective.
Penis enlargement methods

Often the problem of a small penis is psychological. It has long been known that the main thing is not size, but quality. Therefore, before you enlarge your penis at home alone, you should make sure that the problem really exists.
There are several techniques that allow you to independently change the length and thickness of the penis. They are all great for home use.
These include:
- Pump, extender.
- Cosmetics and tablets.
- Massage.
- Self hypnosis.
- Phyto flu.
Don't expect immediate results. Regularity is important in this matter. The best effect can be achieved with a complex effect on the penis. For example, if you combine a spray with a massage. It is advisable to carefully study the selected method before using it.
Vacuum pump and extender
The vacuum pump allows you to increase the length and thickness of the penis and significantly improve potency. It is a cylinder with a pump in which the penis is placed. The pump evacuates air from the cylinder, due to the pressure there is an increase in blood flow, an increase in the genital organ. However, the effect doesn't last long.
The extender is less popular than the vacuum pump. It makes the penis thicker, longer and gives it the correct shape by stretching the tissues of the penis. The result of using the extender will be quite long, but only if you use the device every day.

There are other methods to lengthen the penis at home by hanging different weights.
Weight can stretch the skin, stretching the organ, but it has no effect on thickness.
This is a very dangerous procedure that can cause personal injury.
Various attachments to male dignity are also popular, lengthening it, making it stronger and improving potency. The tips delay ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse.
Gels, ointments and tablets
Gels, creams and ointments for penis enlargement have had mixed reviews and mixed effects. There is definitely a result from these drugs, but it is too short. It is recommended to use cosmetic preparations together with a pump or an extender.
Studies have not shown the effect of tablets and capsules. Many of them are dietary supplements and, in high doses, they can harm the body. If we talk about stimulants, then they improve potency, provoke sexual desire, while an increase in male dignity occurs only due to erection.
There are various types of massage that are used to enlarge the penis at home. When performing, it is recommended to use special gels and creams, and immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to warm up in a warm bath. This will improve blood flow in the pelvic organs, ensure the efficient functioning of the reproductive system. The most effective is the massage of the penis with your hands in a state of erection.
The massage has a number of useful functions:
- helps to lengthen the penis, make it thicker;
- increases sexual desire;
- increases potency;
- makes erections last longer.
The subtlety of this method lies in the correct technique and the elimination of injuries. After all, manhood is a delicate and very sensitive organ that requires careful handling.
The Jelqing technique is particularly popular, which aims to increase the penis. The movements during this massage are like milking a cow. Jelqing has its own working principle, which you need to familiarize yourself with before performing. Regular exercises will allow you to see the result in 2-3 months.
Self hypnosis
Professionals take the psychological impact seriously. It is based on visualization, which is powerful. It is necessary to establish a rule for constantly imagining a large organ. This helps to increase the level of the hormones responsible for penis growth. This technique does not require a lot of effort and time, and the result could be effective.
Fit Impact

And here you can't do without popular recipes. Penis growth can be stimulated by the use of special herbal teas. Their compositions are different.
The herbs that give the best effect are:
- hawthorn;
- ginseng;
- tribullo;
- Dubrovnik
- St. John's wort.
Expert opinion
Doctors are sure that only surgeons can enlarge the penis. A complicated and expensive operation involves introducing fatty tissue under the skin of an organ. This dangerous method of penis enlargement gives a temporary effect, because the fatty tissue area will dissolve after a while. What about other techniques that are performed without surgery. Their functioning is highly questionable.
Doctors advise not to poison the body with various drugs, but to love yourself and consider your dignity a real pride, regardless of size. If the problem really spoils your life, you need to contact a specialist who will help you find a way out. Most likely, you can not do without surgery.